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Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm Back!!!

Hey people I'm back. seems like ages ago since i last wrote a blog.

Ok reasons why I didn't update my blog was :

1. I was travelling around the Baltic States, Poland and Berlin where Hitler killed himself in his bunker. This travel lasted 19 days, freakin' sweet but exhausting.

2. There's nothing to blog about before my travel. I was just being a pig, also had to go for the summer practical training. Well, it might be interesting to blog about Cesarian section and delivering babies....hmmmmm next time maybe~

3. I had a playmate - a cat, Jasmine and friends' cat. They asked me a favor to take care of their cat, so I agreed to take over the parenting job. I never liked cats but as time passed, I found out that this cat is pretty good. When I'm here, she never bothers. When I've gone out, she meows so loud that I can hear from the elevator.

I think that's all......what else huh? I guess nothing else.....well I think I was giving excuses. I figured that the main reason I didn't blog was laziness. Ngehehehehe.

Well photos of my travel can be found here on

I hope you like it.......

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