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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Awaiting for the unexpectedness...

Tomorrow is the day - The Nizhny Games!!!!

The highest authorities are working their ass out to make the event smooth and successful.

The teachers are running here and there just to help us to get everything done in order to make this event successful. Moreover they didn't receive a single cent for this job.

The players are training hard, during days and nights, for the hope of taking down the title of champion.

The dancers are practising and rehearsing for the perfection of their terpsichores, for the sake of entertaining the guests.

The cheerleaders are repeating their routine, yelling "Nizhny Go Go!" and shaking their booties.

The choir group is warming up their vocal cords and harmonizing the song "Setia".

The deco-group is busy drawing and coloring to brighten up the hall with an amiable and welcoming ambience.

The MCs are memorizing their scripts for the hopes of not screwing up the whole ceremony (HAHAHAHAHA!)

Our fellow Nizhnians have shown their passions, sacrificing their time and energy just for the sake of making this event a happening and an unforgettable moment.

Kudos to all people who have been helping all along. The highest authorities, the teachers, the players, the dancers, the choir, the deco-team, the MCs are the most appreciated people for this event.

Let's hope all things will go fine as planned.

Let's hope the players retrieve the high skills and tactics.

Let's hope the dancers recall the steps and routine.

Let's hope the cheerleaders cheer louder and boost up the players' spirits.

Let's hope the choir sing harmoniously.

Let's hope the deco-team decorates the hall with cheerful drawings and ribbons.

Let's hope the MCs to not forget their scripts and heat up the crowd.

Let's wait and see what will happen. Let's await for the unexpectedness.

(Unexpectedness in this case, meaning something extraordinary.)


Christie said...

yaya..Nizhny Go Go...pray that everything goes smoothly tmr..gambate!!Ush~~

Anonymous said...

Nice Blog.
And thanks for the link love!